IPAA Victoria Fellowship is awarded annually to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contribution and exemplary service to the local, Victoria, national and/or international community through their professional work in the public sector or public administration; the creation of public value; demonstration of integrity; and ethical and inclusive leadership, in line with IPAA Victoria’s values.
Up to six new Fellows may be awarded each year, following Awards Committee endorsement and Board approval.
Nominees must be individuals that meet the nomination criteria to a high degree. Nominees include those who are:
Response to Criterion 1: Demonstrated service and ongoing commitment towards communities
Response to Criterion 2: Significant contribution to the creation and ongoing realisation of public value
Response to Criterion 3: Acts with integrity with all colleagues and peers and upholds high ethical standards, reflecting the values that IPAA Victoria embraces
Nominations can be made by a Victorian Fellow, an IPAA Victoria personal member, or an employee of an Organisation Member, according to the IPAA Victoria Constitution. Individuals cannot nominate themselves. Nominations require: a response to the nomination criteria made by the nominator, and one additional person to endorse the nomination (endorser). The endorser must be a Victorian Fellow, an IPAA Victoria personal member, or employee of an Organisation Member, according to the IPAA Victoria Constitution.
A nominator may nominate only one (1) individual each year. Nominations must be confidential and cannot be revealed to the nominee up until they receive their offer of a becoming a Fellow.
IPAA Victoria may request further information from a nominator during the assessment process.
Nominees are assessed by an independent committee against the nomination criteria and the calibre of all nominations received. Each year, the IPAA Victoria Board awards Victorian Fellowship to up to 6 individuals.
Due to the competitive nature of this awards program and the number of nominations received, not all nominees may be successful in any given year. IPAA Victoria welcomes renominations of unsuccessful candidates in subsequent years.
If you require any information or clarification, please contact a member of the team awards@vic.ipaa.org.au.
Victorian Fellowship is one of the most prestigious awards given by IPAA Victoria. Our Fellows collectively hold significant breadth and depth of skills and experience, with different opportunities to give back to the sector through involvement with IPAA Victoria.
Fellows continue to benefit from our services, but are not required to pay membership. They are invited to give a voluntary contribution per annum. Click here to give a voluntary contribution.
Recognised for their outstanding contribution to public administration or public purpose sector, exemplary service to the broader community, demonstration of integrity, and ethical and inclusive leadership.
Recognised for their outstanding contribution to public administration, achievement of the Institute’s objectives and exemplary service to the Victorian community. Post nominal: FIPAA (VIC)
(by last name)
Andrew Abbott > LinkedIn
Dr Bronte Adams AM > LinkedIn
Peter Alexander
Professor John Alford > LinkedIn
David Ali > LinkedIn
Ian Allen
Peter Allen
Associate Professor Catherine Althaus > LinkedIn
Clare Amies > LinkedIn
Pam Anders > LinkedIn
David Anderson
Kathryn Anderson > LinkedIn
Kelvin Anderson PSM
Professor Anona Armstrong AM > LinkedIn
Penny Armytage AM > LinkedIn
Tony Arnel > LinkedIn
Jenny Atta > LinkedIn
Professor Sam Ball
Professor Gary Banks AO
Marlo Baragwanath > LinkedIn
Chris Barrett > LinkedIn
Cheryl Batagol PSM > LinkedIn
Tony Bates PSM > LinkedIn
Adam Beaumont > LinkedIn
Ron Beazley
Neil Behrens
Dr Ron Ben-David > LinkedIn
Tom Bentley > LinkedIn
Kate Berry > LinkedIn
Jim Betts > LinkedIn
Dr Marco Bini > LinkedIn
Professor Yehudi Blacher PSM > LinkedIn
Richard Bolt PSM > LinkedIn
Mick Bourke > LinkedIn
Jane Brockington > LinkedIn
Paul Broderick PSM > LinkedIn
Peter Brown > LinkedIn
Lachlan Bruce > LinkedIn
Christine Bruce
Richard Butler AM
Anna Burgess > LinkedIn
Gill Callister PSM > LinkedIn
Wayne Cameron
Elaine Carbines AM > LinkedIn
Matt Carrick > LinkedIn
Brian Casey
Tricia Caswell > LinkedIn
Professor John Catford > LinkedIn
John Charleston
Professor Colin Clark > LinkedIn
Alan Clayton PSM > LinkedIn
Karen Cleave > LinkedIn
Simon Cohen
Dr Deborah Cole > LinkedIn
John Collins
Neil Comrie AO > LinkedIn
Shaun Condron > LinkedIn
Kaylene Conrick > LinkedIn
Professor Mark Considine > LinkedIn
Michael Consolo > LinkedIn
Russell Cooper > LinkedIn
Deborah Cope > LinkedIn
Simon Corden > LinkedIn
Professor David Cousins AM > LinkedIn
Mark Curry > LinkedIn
Sally Curtain
Charles Curwen CVO, OBE, AO > LinkedIn
Dr Terry Cutler > LinkedIn
Dr Catherine Dale > LinkedIn
Brad Davies > LinkedIn
Frances Davis
Professor Peter Dawkins > LinkedIn
Monique Dawson > LinkedIn
JoAnne de Morton
Associate Professor Helen Dickinson > LinkedIn
Prue Digby
Dr Owen Donald > LinkedIn
Janet Dore > LinkedIn
David Downie > LinkedIn
Meg Downie > LinkedIn
Fiona Dowsley > LinkedIn
Mark Ducksworth PSM > LinkedIn
Noelene Duff PSM > LinkedIn
Chris Eccles AO
Neil Edwards > LinkedIn
Graeme Emonson PSM > LinkedIn
Bruce Esplin AM
Jayne Facey > LinkedIn
Tom Fahy
Patricia Faulkner AO > LinkedIn
Paul Fearon > LinkedIn
Professor Allan Fels AO > LinkedIn
Adam Fennessy PSM > LinkedIn
Claire Ferres Miles > LinkedIn
Dimity Fifer > LinkedIn
John Fitzgerald > LinkedIn
Dr Vince FitzGerald AO > LinkedIn
Jeff Floyd > LinkedIn
Brendan Flynn > LinkedIn
Nick Foa > LinkedIn
Sandy Forbes > LinkedIn
Ben Foskett > LinkedIn
Carolyn Gale > LinkedIn
Brian Galligan
Julian Gardner > LinkedIn
Laurinda Gardner > LinkedIn
Terry Garwood PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Leigh Gassner > LinkedIn
Bernie Geary OAM
Paula Giles > LinkedIn
Louise Glanville > LinkedIn
Professor Ashley Goldsworthy AO OBE > LinkedIn
Dr Jenny Gray PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Patrick Greene OBE > LinkedIn
Bill Griffiths
John Griffin PSM
Julia Griffith PSM > LinkedIn
Katy Haire > LinkedIn
Entsar Hamid > LinkedIn
Ian Hamm > LinkedIn
Dr Fiona Hanlon > LinkedIn
David Hanna > LinkedIn
Corey Hannett > LinkedIn
Justin Hanney > LinkedIn
Sara Harbidge > LinkedIn
Laurie Harkin AM > LinkedIn
Peter Harmsworth AO > LinkedIn
Anthea Harris > LinkedIn
Peter Harris AO > LinkedIn
Rik Hart > LinkedIn
Bruce Hartnett > LinkedIn
Geoff Harry > LinkedIn
Terry Healy > LinkedIn
Grant Hehir
Warwick Heine > LinkedIn
Dr Stein Helgeby
Dr Michael Henry > LinkedIn
Jane Herington PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Peter Hertan > LinkedIn
Claire Higgins > LinkedIn
Julian Hill > LinkedIn
Louise Hill > LinkedIn
Dr Steve Hodgkinson > LinkedIn
Warren Hodgson > LinkedIn
Thomas Hogg
Penelope Holloway > LinkedIn
Kate Houghton > LinkedIn
Professor Owen Hughes > LinkedIn
Greg Hyams > LinkedIn
Jim Hyde
Gregory Hywood > LinkedIn
Andrew Jackomos PSM > LinkedIn
Margaret Jackson AC > LinkedIn
Matthew Jackson > LinkedIn
Natalie James > LinkedIn
Sue Jaquinot > LinkedIn
The Hon Judge Peter Johnstone
Peter Johnstone OAM > LinkedIn
Colin Jordan > LinkedIn
Peter Jordan > LinkedIn
Ray Judd
Michael Kane > LinkedIn
Maria Katsonis > LinkedIn
Dr Bruce Kefford PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Roslyn Kelleher > LinkedIn
Bill Kelly
Professor Michael Kennedy OAM > LinkedIn
Karl Kent OAM Bsc > LinkedIn
Simon Kent > LinkedIn
Dr Ian Killey PSM > LinkedIn
Frank King
Peter Kirby
The Hon. Rob Knowles AO
Peter Kronborg > LinkedIn
Stan Krpan > LinkedIn
(by last name)
Bill Lahey
Katie Lahey > LinkedIn
Craig Lapsley PSM > LinkedIn
Karen Lau > LinkedIn
Janet Laverick > LinkedIn
Ken Lay AO APM > LinkedIn
Emeritus Professor Kwong Lee Dow AO > LinkedIn
John Lester
Gary Liddle AO > LinkedIn
Paul Linossier > LinkedIn
Ian Little
Jason Loos > LinkedIn
Geoff Love
Kevin Love > LinkedIn
Tony Mackay
Professor Rodney Maddock > LinkedIn
Grantly Mailes > LinkedIn
Michael Malouf AM > LinkedIn
Dr Ian Manning > LinkedIn
David Martine PSM > LinkedIn
Vin Martin > LinkedIn
Ken Mathers > LinkedIn
Clare McArdle
Warren McCann > LinkedIn
Professor Alison McClelland > LinkedIn
Katrina McKenzie > LinkedIn
John McLean
John McMillan PSM
Ella McPherson > LinkedIn
Blair McRae
Chris McRae > LinkedIn
Maria Mercurio > LinkedIn
John Merritt > LinkedIn
Lee Miezis > LinkedIn
Dr Gillian Miles > LinkedIn
Gail Moody
John Moorhouse > LinkedIn
Terry Moran AC
Jeremi Moule > LinkedIn
Chloe Munro AO (deceased)
Jeanette Nagorcka > LinkedIn
Gary Neat > LinkedIn
Professor Marcia Neave AO
Patricia Neden > LinkedIn
Professor Lyndsay Neilson > LinkedIn
Jane Niall > LinkedIn
Barry Nicholls > LinkedIn
Andrew Nicolaou > LinkedIn
Christine Nixon APM > LinkedIn
Dr Clive Noble PSM > LinkedIn
Lucinda Nolan > LinkedIn
Dr Claire Noone > LinkedIn
Carl Obst > LinkedIn
Professor Janine O’Flynn > LinkedIn
Elizabeth O’Keeffe
Tim Orton > LinkedIn
Genevieve Overell AM > LinkedIn
Simon Overland APM
Alex Owen
Christine Owen > LinkedIn
Richard Parker > LinkedIn
John Pascoe
Susan Pascoe AM > LinkedIn
Dr John Paterson AO
Tony Peake > LinkedIn
Kym Peake > LinkedIn
Des Pearson AO > LinkedIn
John Perham > LinkedIn
Dr Deborah Peterson > LinkedIn
Stephen Petris > LinkedIn
Monica Pfeffer > LinkedIn
Dr Pradeep Philip > LinkedIn
Dr Emily Phillips > LinkedIn
David Pitchford > LinkedIn
Ian Porter > LinkedIn
Colin Radford > LinkedIn
Ben Rimmer > LinkedIn
John Rimmer FAICD
Adrian Robb > LinkedIn
Sue Roberts > LinkedIn
Peter Rohan > LinkedIn
Howard Ronaldson
Jeff Rosewarne
John Roskam
Peter Rumpf
Kay Rundle > LinkedIn
Martin Rush
Bill Russell
Jenny Samms > LinkedIn
Pru Sanderson > LinkedIn
Warren Saunderson
Bill Scales AO
Anthony Schinck > LinkedIn
Moira Schulze > LinkedIn
Anne-Marie Schwirtlich
Mike Scrafton
Peter Seamer AM > LinkedIn
Christopher Selby-Smith
Dale Seymour > LinkedIn
Ann Sherry > LinkedIn
Dr Ray Shuey > LinkedIn
Helen Silver AO > LinkedIn
Angela Singh > LinkedIn
Dr John Skerritt
Melissa Skilbeck > LinkedIn
Tracey Slatter > LinkedIn
Cath Smith > LinkedIn
Fiona Smith AM
Paul Smith > LinkedIn
Dr Paul Smith
Tanya Smith > LinkedIn
Bob Solly > LinkedIn
Dr Gillian Sparkes FAICD > LinkedIn
Donald Speagle > LinkedIn
David Spokes > LinkedIn
Dr Michael Stanford > LinkedIn
Wendy Steendam APM > LinkedIn
JoAnne Stephenson > LinkedIn
Randall Straw PSM
Glenda Strong PSM
Dr Dahle Suggett > LinkedIn
Professor Helen Sullivan > LinkedIn
Brigid Sunderland > LinkedIn
Meredith Sussex AM > LinkedIn
Tony Sweeney
James Syme
Dr Helen Szoke > LinkedIn
Casey J Tan > LinkedIn
Michael Taylor AO > LinkedIn
Michael Tehan > LinkedIn
Claire Thomas PSM > LinkedIn
Kerry Thompson > LinkedIn
Fran Thorn > LinkedIn
Andrew Tongue PSM > LinkedIn
Jane Treadwell > LinkedIn
Anne Turley > LinkedIn
Vijaya Vaidyanath > LinkedIn
Michonne van Rees > LinkedIn
Marion van Rooden > LinkedIn
James van Smeerdijk > LinkedIn
Bradley Vann > LinkedIn
Dr Gerard Vaughan AM
Helen Vaughan > LinkedIn
Greg Vines > LinkedIn
The Hon Jan Wade MLA
Lynne Wannan AM > LinkedIn
Andrew Wear > LinkedIn
Lyndon Webb > LinkedIn
Jennifer Westacott AO > LinkedIn
Katherine Whetton > LinkedIn
Kylie White > LinkedIn
Michael White
Robyn White > LinkedIn
Pam White PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Cathy Wilkinson > LinkedIn
Jennifer Williams AM > LinkedIn
Dr Lynne Williams AM > LinkedIn
Greg Wilson
Luke Wilson > LinkedIn
Jennifer Wolcott > LinkedIn
Dean Yates > LinkedIn
Andrejs Zamurs
Professor John Zillman AO > LinkedIn
Victorian Fellows also awarded National Fellowship. Post nominal: FIPAA
Professor John Alford > LinkedIn
Peter Allen
Penny Armytage AM > LinkedIn
Professor Gary Banks AO
Cheryl Batagol PSM > LinkedIn
Professor Yehudi Blacher PSM > LinkedIn
Richard Bolt PSM > LinkedIn
Gill Callister PSM > LinkedIn
Elaine Carbines AM > LinkedIn
Professor Glyn Davis AC
Professor Peter Dawkins > LinkedIn
Chris Eccles AO
Patricia Faulkner AO > LinkedIn
Adam Fennessy PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Vince FitzGerald AO > LinkedIn
Terry Garwood PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Jenny Gray PSM > LinkedIn
Elizabeth Harman
Peter Harmsworth AO > LinkedIn
Peter Harris AO > LinkedIn
Grant Hehir
Andrew Jackomos PSM > LinkedIn
Michael Keating AC
Peter Kirby AO
Ian Little
Warren McCann > LinkedIn
David Martine PSM
Terry Moran AC
Chloe Munro AO > LinkedIn
Christine Nixon APM > LinkedIn
Dr Claire Noone > LinkedIn
Susan Pascoe AM > LinkedIn
Dr John Paterson
Des Pearson AO > LinkedIn
Kym Peake > LinkedIn
Leon Peres
Paul Prior
Elizabeth Proust AO > LinkedIn
Marjory Ramsay
Ben Rimmer > LinkedIn
Adrian Robb > LinkedIn
Bill Scales AO
Professor Peter Shergold AC
Helen Silver AO > LinkedIn
Tracey Slatter > LinkedIn
Dr Gillian Sparkes FAICD > LinkedIn
Professor Helen Sullivan
Fran Thorn > LinkedIn
Andrew Tongue PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Gerard Vaughan AM
Jennifer Westacott AO > LinkedIn
Dean Yates > LinkedIn
For significant contribution to the Institute over a number of years (bestowed on IPAA Victoria Fellows).
Professor John Alford > LinkedIn
Peter Allen
Penny Armytage AM > LinkedIn
Gill Callister PSM > LinkedIn
Dr Ronald Cullen AO
Richard Elvins
Adam Fennessy PSM > LinkedIn
Helmut Glenk
Peter Harmsworth AO > LinkedIn
Emeritus Professor Kwong Lee Dow AO > LinkedIn
Hugh Macphee > LinkedIn
Clare McArdle
Philip McCallum OAM
Terry Moran AC
Francis O’Connor
Dr Martin Rush
Elizabeth Proust AO > LinkedIn
Zana Smith
IPAA Victoria celebrated its 90th Anniversary at a special dinner with IPAA Victoria Fellows and guests in Melbourne on 20 June 2019.